Ray Tracer


This is a basic shapes CPU ray tracer, written from scratch. It is one of my 2nd year projects at university and the main purpose was applying and improving my math knowledge. I have a strong background in mathematics from my high school, so I did pretty well for the time given, considering I had no previous experience with graphics at all.
I have implemented the following features:
Rendering of sphere, plane and cube; Blinn-Phong shading model; Hard and soft shadows; Multiple light sources and colors; Ambient light/Global illumination; Light attenuation; Anti-Aliasing; Transparency; Reflections; Refractions; Bounding Volume Hierarchy

Project Details

  • Tech and Tools: Visual Studio / C++

  • Development Time: 6.5 Working Weeks

  • Platforms Supported: PC / Windows

  • Available on: Not Published

  • Team Size: Personal Project

  • My Role(s): Graphics / Engine Programmer

 Rendered Images

Project Setup

Here is my Visual Studio solution setup. Apart from the ray tracer code, I have my own math library with custom Vector2 and Vector3 classes, as well as a unit testing library (See images on the right).
Bellow, you can see the main pixel loop of the ray tracer.

Project Setup

Ray Tracer Classes

Code Samples

Anti-Aliasing Code

Vector 3 Unit Testing

Throughout the development I have adhered to the agreed upon coding standards of our university and maintained proper code structure. Here are some examples of my code.

BVH Traverse Function




Osakabe Engine (Custom Engine)